Pick Up the Poconos Returns for Spring 2025

Posted on March 10, 2025

Pick Up The Poconos Spring

Pick Up the Poconos Returns for Spring 2025
Volunteer registration open for April 26 the region-wide litter cleanup

March 10, 2025 – Celebrate Earth Day by spending time caring for the environment. The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau (PMVB) is once again seeking volunteers for its region-wide litter pick-up day happening on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (rain or shine).

The Pickup the Poconos Spring Cleanup is just one component of the PMVB’s Pick Up The Poconos campaign, which has resulted in nearly 46,000 bags of trash being picked up and properly disposed of Individuals and groups interested in participating can fill out the Volunteer Form  or Group Sign-Up Form located at PickUpThePoconos.com The deadline to sign up is Friday, April 18, 2025, by 5:00 p.m.

There are 20+ locations across Wayne, Pike, Monroe, and Carbon counties for volunteers to choose from. There are also private cleanups led by community groups, businesses, and Pocono resorts happening in conjunction with this initiative. Volunteers will receive supply kits on the day of the cleanup consisting of trash bags, gloves, safety vests, and other supplies. The Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority plays a large role in coordinating the cleanup, distributing supplies, and properly disposing of the collected litter.

“Those who call the Pocono Mountains home feel passionate about keeping their communities clean and green,” said Chris Barrett, President/CEO, Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau. “We are thankful for the thousands of volunteers who have, over the years, taken time to participate in Pick Up the Poconos. Their efforts contribute to the Pocono Mountains being a great place to live, learn, work, and play.”

The Pickup the Poconos campaign also includes Pocono 3C, an innovative program involving multiple key partners that gives a hand up to individuals who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless, by employing them to clean litter from Monroe County roadways. The PMVB also contracts with Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Service of America, Inc. to clean major highways and entrance/exit ramps throughout the year. Please help spread the word about the April 26th cleanup by sharing the event on Facebook (HERE) For
resources and safety tips about picking up litter, visit PickUpThePoconos.com


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