

This process begins with the road crew identifying which roads are due for a repave according to a schedule kept by the Borough. Depending on the budgeted line item amount and on the condition of the road, the roads will be selected for a full depth repair, partial depth repair or surface repair. This typically happens in the beginning of the year. Borough officials meet with PennDOT for assistance with developing the bid package and advertisement. Most times the bid will be awarded to the company who bids the lowest price. The company will be given until the end of August to complete all street paving projects. You can contact the office to inquire into which roads are scheduled to be paved this year.

Pothole Patching

Typically potholes form during the winter. Water gets into small cracks in the pavement and freezes. The constant freeze thaw cycle causes the cracks to widen. As a snow plow blade or a car tire drives over the loosened asphalt it chips away until the crack becomes a pothole. The road crew will begin to identify roads with potholes just after the last expected snow fall. Cold patching will be done until the temperatures warm up. Then a more thorough patching can be done.

Oil and Chip

The Borough will sometimes use a method called oil and chip, also referred to as tar and chip, Bituminous Seal Coat, or chip seal. This involves covering an existing road with a layer of oil and stone that seals the blacktop and provides a wearable surface at a fraction of the cost of resurfacing. This is an effective way to seal existing cracks and prevent new cracks and potholes which extends the life of the road saving your tax dollars.

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