How do I file for a liquor license?
Learn more about the liquor license process online at the Liquor Control Board website.
Learn more about the liquor license process online at the Liquor Control Board website.
The schedule of uses outlines what is permitted in each zoning district.
Dogs must be kept on leashes at all times in the public arena. They are not allowed to run at large in the Borough. Refer to the Borough’s dog ordinance for more information.
Click here to report a housing code violation in Mount Pocono Borough to Building Code Official Shawn McGlynn.
The Borough codes and zoning ordinances are available online.
First you will need to identify the zoning district your potential business will be located in. Then refer to the schedule of uses to confirm your business is permitted in that zone. Depending on the scope of your business you may need to go through the land development process which begins with the Planning Commission. … Continued
A local business license is not required in Mount Pocono. Businesses will need an occupancy permit to operate in the Borough. Contact the zoning office for more information.